Is it me or are there a lot of crazy people in this world?


New member
Dec 20, 2003
I am talking about everyday people. People who think they are 100% sane.


Sep 20, 2004
Increasing all the time...I can't believe how many people just can't mind their own business or can't be civil in public.....God help us when this generation's kids grow up.


Jan 15, 2005
Many of them are running our government....

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) explained why he voted against an amendment inserting some very basic net neutrality provisions into a moving telecommunications bill. The provisions didn't prohibit an ISP from handling VOIP faster than emails, but would have made it illegal to handle its own VOIP packets faster than a competitor's. He gave an amazing primer on how the internet works:
There's one company now you can sign up and you can get a movie delivered to your house daily by delivery service. Okay. And currently it comes to your house, it gets put in the mail box when you get home and you change your order but you pay for that, right.

But this service is now going to go through the internet* and what you do is you just go to a place on the internet and you order your movie and guess what you can order ten of them delivered to you and the delivery charge is free.

Ten of them streaming across that internet and what happens to your own personal internet?

I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?

Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially.

So you want to talk about the consumer? Let's talk about you and me. We use this internet to communicate and we aren't using it for commercial purposes.

We aren't earning anything by going on that internet. Now I'm not saying you have to or you want to discrimnate against those people [¿]

The regulatory approach is wrong. Your approach is regulatory in the sense that it says "No one can charge anyone for massively invading this world of the internet". No, I'm not finished. I want people to understand my position, I'm not going to take a lot of time. [¿]

They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It's not a truck.

It's a series of tubes.

And if you don't understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and its going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.

Now we have a separate Department of Defense internet now, did you know that?

Do you know why?

Because they have to have theirs delivered immediately. They can't afford getting delayed by other people.


Now I think these people are arguing whether they should be able to dump all that stuff on the internet ought to consider if they should develop a system themselves.

Maybe there is a place for a commercial net but it's not using what consumers use every day.

It's not using the messaging service that is essential to small businesses, to our operation of families.

The whole concept is that we should not go into this until someone shows that there is something that has been done that really is a viloation of net neutraility that hits you and me.
**The full audio can be found here on a Public Knowledge blog.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Just turn on reality TV sometime. I hate reality TV like Real World and all of that crap, but these fucks are sick.

MTV and all of these networks have tryouts for the show. Pretty much they find the craziest wacked out people on the planet and stick them in the same room and watch them make drama out of absolutey nothing. This is a freakin microcosm of this generation. It's terrible.

Psychos are everywhere, and they think they are sane.

But, how about cappers that think they are good? Like, the next coming of John Patrick or some shit. They think they are legit, but they:

-Whine after losing a game
-Chase down losses, and call it Martingale or some shit
-Bet ridiculous unit amounts
-Have Game of the Years every single day like they are some kind of professional service
-Pump their plays like it is a can't lose play
-Not only lay tremendous amounts of chalk, but lay tremendous chalk and they act like they find the diamond in the rough pick, like they went through some incredible capping analysis to pick White Sox over Royals.
-Practically bet the enitre card thinking they have some kind of an advantage over the house that way

Edit: Holy shit. I just realized I described Completely unintentional.

New member
Dec 20, 2003
Boxslayer32 said:
Psychos are everywhere, and they think they are sane.

That is the scary part. I know some people that are completely wacked out of their skull and have confidence. They have so much confidence, I actually started to believe their way of thinking. After I stepped back, I realized how wrong I was about them.

Confidence and sanity are not mutually exclusive. It is like these people live in a completely different world.


Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
It seems more and more the people I meet are fucked up in some way or other.

They say that when everyone else in the world seems fucked up it really means that you are fucked up. This statement is not directed toward anyone in this thread other than me. Maybe I should seek help.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
There are tons of fucked up people in this world. I worked at a psych institute in South Florida with some really f'd up people. A few of them were acting up around the main desk while I was talking to one of the other ones. This person than looks at me and points to the others acting up and says, "those people are crazy". Meanwhile the person telling me this is as crazy as they come.

People are fucking wacked.

I'm driving home tonight making a left turn and I get an arrow. I am driving through and this dumb fuck is just casually going on a Sunday drive through a red light and just about plows into me. I blare my horn, curse the mother fucker out, stop my car, close to getting out and beating the living shit out of him, and he is looking at me like it was my fault. This was way past the time of running the red light. He just flat out was not paying attention however the look on his face showed he thought it was my fault. I have no idea what could have been going on in this dumbfucks head to make him think he had any right.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Journeyman said:
Increasing all the time...I can't believe how many people just can't mind their own business or can't be civil in public.....God help us when this generation's kids grow up.
Very true. Plus the 49ers are just plain awful.

Johnny Law
Jul 14, 2005
I work with a guy that talks all day long every day, but its the stupidest shit that comes out of his mouth. A fine example is the other day when he claimed Lord of the Rings was a true story. He wasn't kidding. So in answer to your question. Uh, yeah, the world is full of crazy people that think they are sane.
Jul 22, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
Just turn on reality TV sometime. I hate reality TV like Real World and all of that crap, but these fucks are sick.

MTV and all of these networks have tryouts for the show. Pretty much they find the craziest wacked out people on the planet and stick them in the same room and watch them make drama out of absolutey nothing. This is a freakin microcosm of this generation. It's terrible.

Psychos are everywhere, and they think they are sane.

But, how about cappers that think they are good? Like, the next coming of John Patrick or some shit. They think they are legit, but they:

-Whine after losing a game
-Chase down losses, and call it Martingale or some shit
-Bet ridiculous unit amounts
-Have Game of the Years every single day like they are some kind of professional service
-Pump their plays like it is a can't lose play
-Not only lay tremendous amounts of chalk, but lay tremendous chalk and they act like they find the diamond in the rough pick, like they went through some incredible capping analysis to pick White Sox over Royals.
-Practically bet the enitre card thinking they have some kind of an advantage over the house that way

Edit: Holy shit. I just realized I described Completely unintentional.

New member
Nov 8, 2004
..Years ago I ran a poker game. One day a chap said he didn't want to play, because he thought a chap at the table was not all there.

It was then that it dawned on me that everyone I knew was not all there some respect or another.

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